
Find a learning expert your way

Access curated and vetted talent pool you can trust from day one.

To tackle your company’s quick skill-building need or drive big transformation.


Find the learning expert you need

Expert marketplace


Discover our workshops and programs

Curated Programs and Academies to go big on learning.


Source your extended L&D team

Monthly fixed services from the learning experts

What our clients say

The way they look at the ‘Future of work’ is open, bright, and inclusive. We asked for their help to design together one of our key workshops this year. Throughout the process, the team really leaned into ‘co-creating’ with us, challenged our views when needed, and gracefully supported us in building a better understanding of our internal clients: A mix of pragmatism and creativity that significantly helped us advance our work as a global leadership communities team. Thank you for your energy and generosity.

Jodi Haenni & Laurianne Sembach, Leadership Development

Our best workshops

Check out some of our experts

We are here to support you!

Is one of the statements below true for you?

We are here to support you!

  • Tired of mediocre training and old-school workshops?
  • No process for where to look for facilitators or coaches?
  • No clear plan for upskilling your workforce?
  • Lacking immediate human resources support?
  • L&D team is overwhelmed by never-ending requests?
  • Enough with the endless admin work?
  • In need of new formats and methodologies?
  • Eager to excite and motivate your employees?

For longer term solutions checkout monthly extended L&D support team to stay agile and innovative

We help your organization on two levels: Spark and Grow. These are designed to suit your varying needs, but the focus remains the same. Connect your business closer with the learning & development experts you need now. Here is how spark and grow differ.


For start-ups or small teams / for 2 users


For companies looking to extend their L&D team with complementary skills / for up to 10 users

Cofounders Bilge and Ola sharing the story of why Workplace Experts

  • Solution delivered virtually or face-to-face
  • Future skill workshops
  • Facilitation
  • Coaching

We also support you in designing YOUR CUSTOM workshops and events. This is where the power of the talent pool comes in. We help you curate innovation days, hackathons, or company learning events, as you can find experts on almost any topic you are looking for.

Want to Shake Up The Workplace with us?

Discover our Future of Work community

The way we work is changing drastically and fast. Shake up the Workplace’s mission is:

  • Hosting an inclusive ‘Future of Work’ Ecosystem, facilitating collaboration, experimentation, and co-creation.
  • Empowering people to take actions towards their desired Future of Work by using the ecosystem’s collective brain.
  • Our four dialogues center around: Culture, Learning, Well being and Workforce.

Did you know that Shake Up The Workplace was born as idea out of Workplace Experts and was kicked off in October 2020 as an Unconference in the beautiful Zurich Kunsthaus?

Want to Shake Up The Workplace with us?

On the blog

Can Generative AI Revolutionize Learning & Development
April 21, 2023
Can Generative AI Revolutionize Learning & Development

The AI era has arrived, and ChatGPT has undoubtedly captured our imagination. In recent weeks, our co-founder Ola Potrykus dove….

diversity and inclusion
November 12, 2022
Diversity and Inclusion: Why do they Matter at the Workplace
It is a business imperative. Let’s go back to the definition of Diversity and Inclusion:  Diversity and inclusion are interconnected concepts....
continuous learning
November 12, 2022
12 Ways to Build an Organization with Continuous Learners
Transformation through ownership and employee-centric practices. Continuous learning is no longer a nice to have for your organization. Rather it....