How do you close the skill gap?

Companies estimate that, by 2024, around 40% of workers will require reskilling of up to six months.

*Source: World Economic Forum 2021

How do you close the skill gap
How do you cover all the development needs?

How do you cover all the development needs?

59% of L&D pros globally list upskilling and reskilling as a top priority.

*Source: LinkedIn learning’s 5th Annual Workplace Learning Report, 2021

How do you keep up with the constant change?

How do you bring the outside-in
perspective into your organization?
Are you unlocking the right expertise?
The VUCA world equals constant change.
The risk of falling behind is higher than ever before.
How do you keep up with the constant change?
We make your employees future-ready

We make your employees future-ready

We are Workplace Experts, your extended Learning & Development Team

Status quo

Today HR is the key department for growth and unlocking the potential of its people yet you try to manage with less budget and a smaller team.

Managing with existing HR resources

Your HR team is under a huge burden. The team is working long hours. yet you are juggling between keeping up with new learning trends, business demands, and operational tasks.

Implementing eLearning Solution (LMS)

You invest in an online learning platform, but LMS alone is not going to impact your employees’ growth. It will help your business, but it will not transform your business.

$50K - 1MM per year
Finding Experts Spontaneously

You and team leaders work with external experts as you need. yet there is no protocol to select the right expert. It tums out to be an inefficient exercise.

$50 - 200K per year
Working with Workplace Experts

You get to work smart.

With our flexible, diverse and experienced top talent in learning and development. You design future-oriented learning roadmap you need to fuel your upskilling needs and you save 2500 hours on average a year.

Read more to get to know the detailed support we provide.

1/2 of FTE per year

What our clients say

The way they look at the ‘Future of work’ is open, bright, and inclusive. We asked for their help to design together one of our key workshops this year. Throughout the process, the team really leaned into ‘co-creating’ with us, challenged our views when needed, and gracefully supported us in building a better understanding of our internal clients: A mix of pragmatism and creativity that significantly helped us advance our work as a global leadership communities team. Thank you for your energy and generosity.

Jodi Haenni & Laurianne Sembach, Leadership Development

Our whole team was super happy with the event and everything worked very well throughout the whole process from inquiry to event. Participants have been giving only positive feedback after the event. It was very easy to communicate with the Workplace Experts team and all wishes were filled.

Jenni - Executive Assistant

Our whole team was super happy with the event and everything worked very well throughout the whole process from inquiry to event. Participants have been giving only positive feedback after the event. It was very easy to communicate with the Workplace Experts team and all wishes were filled.

Booster Transform Fitness
Damien - CEO

Our team enjoyed the Workshop very much. The organizer, Aleksandra, did an excellent job with the planning of this event. She tailored everything exactly to the needs of our group which made this event a unique experience.

AbbVie Inc.
Jolanda - Congress Coordinator

Workplace Expert’s team diagnostic helped us understand where we stand as a team, through the eyes of each member and with an analytical approach. We saw our strengths and weaknesses and received tips on how to improve certain things. Very helpful!

Manuele - CEO

Workplace Experts is your extended Learning & Development Team

We believe having a diverse talent at your fingertips is key for learning adjustments in your company. While our marketplace is open for you to get in touch any expert we are ready to give you a sustainable support and increase the capabilities of your HR team.

200+ Experts at Your Fingertips

200+ Experts at Your Fingertips

Ask our talent pool anything: get access to an ever-growing network of vetted and trusted experts whose skills are aligned with the latest industry developments.

Actionable Insights

Actionable Insights

Tech, future of work, top skills – accelerate the real-world application of new insights and trends through coaching or training.

Enhanced Learning Strategy

Enhanced Learning Strategy

Co-create metrics and a tailored learning roadmap with us.

For longer term solutions checkout monthly extended L&D support team to stay agile and innovative

We help your organization on two levels: Spark and Grow. These are designed to suit your varying needs, but the focus remains the same connect your business closer with the learning & development experts you need now. Here is how Spark and Grow differ.


For start-ups or small teams / for 2 users

Ask founders anything

  • Solve your most urgent People and Development challenges through coaching and consulting up to 3h/ month.
  • Accelerate change through shake up Me workplace!

Be a member of the future of work platform

  • Engage with other companies, with 260+ changemakers
  • Access unique Shake Up The Workplace content

Receive 2 custom internal speaking events or upskilling workshops up to 2hrs/session when you sign up annually


For companies looking to extend their L&D team with complementary skills / for up to 10 users

All of spark +

Ask 100+ experts anything up to 5h / month

  • co-creating a learning roadmap, people strategy, learning intervention design, pitching L&D as a strategic priority, setting metrics, coordinating with experts, and feedback on demand.

Connect to your dedicated account manager anytime

Get experts within 48 hours for your L&D needs + 10% discount

You will receive the best offers within 48 hours and will not charge for admin fee on top you’ll receive a 10% discount. Simplify procurement with one vendor for diverse talent.

Avoid trial & error by matching with other companies/ startups academia who has done it before

Become a shaker with shake up the workplace! the future of work academy

Join Shake up the Workplace community and have access to your changemaker peers
  • Engage with other companies, with 260+ changemakers
  • Access unique Shake Up The Workplace academy courses and shaker toolkit
Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?


Simplify time-consuming vetting and procurement processes. Reduce your operational work by an average of 2500 hours per year. A dedicated account manager co-creates a tailored learning roadmap with you and matches your team with the right experts.


Simplify time-consuming vetting and procurement processes. Reduce your operational work by an average of 2500 hours per year. A dedicated account manager co-creates a tailored learning roadmap with you and matches your team with the right experts.


Encourage your most valuable assets to never stop learning. This not only provides your team with a larger skill set but also lets your workforce quickly adapt to today’s needs.

What you can create with our experts

Design & deliver programs that have the biggest impact on your business

Coaching Program

coaching program

Learning Week

Learning Week

Wellbeing and Resilience

Wellbeing and Resilience

Manager Upskilling

Manager Upskilling

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Hybrid Workplace

Hybrid Workplace

Virtual Collaboration

Virtual Collaboration

Shake Up Your Workplace

Shake Up Your Workplace

Hackathon Ideathon

Hackathon Ideathon


Who do we work with?

We work with team experts, trainers, coaches and magic creators, who can prove a good track record, certification and skill set. Quality and business focus is key. We help our clients achieve the highest business impact. If you offer a unique learning format, deliver learning experiences we would like to hear from you! You will have to prove that your business is registered and pass our registration process.

Workplace Experts Purpose

Your Learning and Development methods need some refresher?

Do you need the startup feeling and excitement at your company?

We understand you. Below you can find many reasons why Workplace Experts platform is the right choice for your company.

Join now to discuss workshop options with the experts or call us to get help.

You can also sign up to our bi-weekly newsletters to get updates about future of work and exciting Workplace Experts offers.

Want to hear more?

Simply book a call with us for any questions that you might have.

Get monthly updates from us!

We will share the wisdom of our talent pool in our newsletters with you.
