Want to explore the workshops and programs in Exclusives?
Wellbeing for Agility (Let’s build agility)
Philippa Dengler
The lines between “at work” and “at leisure” are increasingly blurred and it’s having an…
Provided By:
Conscha GmbH
Mental Health First Aid Training
Alessandra Patti
The Mental Health First Aid training and certification is an official Swiss certification for participants…
Provided By:
FindYourWay Coaching
Learning Agility (Let’s build agility)
Philippa Dengler
Neuroscience has proven our brains are capable of learning new things throughout our entire lives.…
Provided By:
Conscha GmbH
Psychological Safety for Agility (Let’s build agility)
Philippa Dengler
Agile collaboration relies on a responsive iterative approach in which we can admit we don't…
Provided By:
Conscha GmbH
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Passionate about prevention through the power of education, I offer mental wellbeing strategy guidance to organizations. How? With mental wellbeing workshops and communication trainings. I’m…
- Expertise:
- Mental Wellbeing
- Communication
- Assertiveness Coaching
The key to business agility is the ability of the people in the business to adapt to changing circumstances. Ask yourself this: Do the leaders,…
- Expertise:
- Inclusive Leadership
- Agility
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