
Philippa Dengler

Upskilling people leaders to drive EmployAGILITY
facilitator, speaker, trainer
EmployAGILITY, Inclusive Leadership, Agility
25 Years
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The key to business agility is the ability of the people in the business to adapt to changing circumstances. 

Ask yourself this: Do the leaders, managers and HR professionals in your company have the tools they need to be able to help people develop the personal agility and employability that requires?

According to research most companies still have a long way to go. My own empirical research into employability (and 25 years' experience as an employee, leader and consultant) confirms that leaders, managers and HR professionals (let's say people leaders for short!) often find it hard to have meaningful conversations about employability and personal agility. Particularly with people who are mid- to late-career. They simply don't know where to start. Or what to say. And they worry that even mentioning the word "employability" will cause concern as it is mostly heard - way too late - during outplacement coaching.

At Conscha GmbH we work with two fantastic approaches designed to help people leaders make conscious changes for the better in the way they address this essential future skill. Here at WeWent you can register for our workshops and training - including our "Let's build agility" Skills and Competency Building Workshops - or simply get in touch with me to find out more about how EmployAgility or Profilizer can help you deliver effectively on your organization's goals.

EmployAgility is a research-based framework with an app that breaks down the taboos and focuses on what people can do to increase their openness to new experiences in 5 key areas of our working lives.

It gives people leaders and their teams the structure, data and content to have positive, meaningful conversations and that lead people to really build their personal agility.

- Our absolute favorite thing to do is to upskill people to become internal EmployAgility Ambassadors who feel confident to use the EmployAgility Framework to have these valuable conversations with people in your organisation.

- We also offer workshops and webinars to introduce EmployAgility and have a network of professional coaches who can support, if desired.

Our clients integrate EmployAgility into their personal development programs and processes by providing their employees with access to the App and support with debriefing on the results. Others include EmployAgility into their current initiatives like Diversity & Inclusion, Lifelong Learning, Sustainability or Future Skills.

Profilizer is an online psychometric tool that provides incredibly nuanced insights into a person's preferences, attitudes and competencies.

Profilizer is built on a comprehensive, research-based measurement tool that asks people a series of questions (takes about 30 minutes) and generates a wealth of information on the person's emotional balance, locus of control, competencies and preferences relevant for guiding recruitment, onboardingindividual development and team development and people strategy.

- I am an accredited Profilizer Coach and can help you to get the most out of this measurement so that you can unleash the talent in your organization and ensure you have the right people in the right roles.

- Together with L&D Support we also run Profilizer Accreditation courses so you can upskill your internal HR professionals to use the tool.

Our clients use customized profiles with specific competencies selected for a particular role and can also use the unique Profilizer Agility Suite to make the agile competencies in their organization visible. It gives a clear picture of how well-developed 18 competencies essential for agility are in your company. The Profilizer Agility Suite provides unique insights into which agile competencies are resources for your company to build on, which should be developed further and which require serious intervention if business agility is to be achieved. In addition, each participant receives a Personal Agility Report with their top agility competencies so they are aware which strengths they personally can bring to play.


Give your leaders, managers and HR professionals the tools they need to do a great job.

The ripple effect of upskilling them will be felt by individual employees, teams and the whole organization. Contact me to find out how EmployAgility and Profilizer can help you deliver on your organisation's goals:

About me

I'm an optimistic realist and I love to take on change as an opportunity for growth – and to get others enthusiastic about it too. I am passionate about enabling people to give their natural best at work.

A naturally communicative extrovert I value relationships based on trust, respect and as partners on equal footing. My structured working style and love of connecting the dots allows new perspectives come to light.  Collaboration with clients, partners and specialists in my broad network creates genuine value-add for my customers.

I'm comfortable and communicative at all levels of an organisation in English, German, Swiss German and French.

More information on the Conscha Website: 



  • EmployAGILITY
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Agility


  • English
  • German
  • French


  • Future Skills
  • Exclusives
  • Wellbeing
  • Innovation
  • Organizational Development
  • Career Development
  • Leadership
  • Team Assessment
  • Coaching
  • Team building


  • Some Objectives I work with
  • Agile
  • Collaboration
  • Creating Team Culture
  • Communication
  • Developing Resilience
  • Leadership
  • Learning Together
  • Out of Comfort Zone
  • Alignment
  • People Management
  • Setting Goals
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Social Responsibility


Previous Clients

  • ge


  • dow


  • zhaw


  • swissleaders

    Swiss Leaders

  • migros

    Migros Genossenschaft Luzern, Migros Genossenschaft Bund

  • toogoodtogo

    Too Good To Go

Qualifications and certifications

Master of Science Wirtschaftspsychologie Jan 2016 - Dec 2018 Kalaidos University

Master of Science in Business and Economic Psychology
Thesis: Lifelong Employability

Scrum Master Oct 2017 - Oct 2017 Scrum Alliance

Profilizer Professional Accreditation Apr 2021 - Apr 2021 L&D Support International Products

Trusted EmployAgility Coach Jan 2019 - Jan 2019 Conscha GmbH


Nachhaltigkeit ist für uns ein wichtiges Anliegen, auch im Hinblick auf unseren Umgang mit den Mitarbeitenden. Es liegt uns viel daran, dass unsere Mitarbeitenden sich nicht nur bewusst sind, dass eine offene, flexible Haltung bezüglich Berufsweg und Karriereentwicklung heute unerlässlich ist. Im Rahmen eines angestrebten Projektes ist unser Projektteam auf das EmployAgility Framework gestossen. Die wissenschaftlich basierte persönliche Standortbestimmung der eigenen EmployAgility in einer mehrsprachigen App hat uns sehr beeindruckt. Die daraus resultierenden persönlichen Handlungsempfehlungen bilden eine solide Basis für persönliche Entwicklungsgespräche von Vorgesetzten mit ihren Mitarbeitenden aller Altersgruppen. Sehr interessant für uns als Arbeitgeberin ist auch die Möglichkeit, statistische Auswertungen über die gesamte Organisation zu ziehen und daraus übergeordnete Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten.
Reto Kron
Leiter Human Resources, Migros Genossenschaft Luzern
I can highly recommend working with Philippa. Due to her years of business experience and her change management expertise she quickly understands our business priorities. We’ve been leveraging her expertise and passion in particular to support the evolution of our Diversity and Inclusion efforts. She brings an invaluable outside-in perspective including relevant neuro-science and behavioral science research and best practices which help guide our activities. On top she’s professional, reliable, uncomplicated and very personable.
Irene Mark
Chief Human Resources Officer, Bühler Group
We invited Philippa to talk to our PR!ME Leadership team about EmployAgility. PR!ME is Dow’s Employee Resource Group for experienced employees. PR!ME strives to create a culture of appreciation and recognition that celebrates unique expertise and experiences. Many of us took the self-assessment before the session. All of us were able to personally relate to the key EmployAgility message: "You need to be willing - and able - to adapt to changing circumstances to thrive". It was great to understand what we can practically do to make a difference in our own lives and how we can use this tool and concept to help the people we care about in our teams and families thrive too. EmployAgility has the potential to help change our mindset about work and enjoy working for longer.
Carlos Silva Lopez
Global Marketing & Customer Experience Director, Dow Chemical
It was a pleasure to partner with Philippa! We included EmployAgility in our GE Learning Week in 2020 to inspire our employees to think about how to keep themselves firmly in the driving seat of their careers. Philippa was a very inspiring speaker! Attendees had the opportunity to complete the online self-assessment and received a report full of recommendations of practical things to do to increase their personal career agility. "Enough ideas for my next several personal development plans" as one participant said. From a company perspective having highly employable employees who are working for us because they choose to is a clear competitive advantage. I warmly recommend Philippa and her highly professional services!
Joanna Haupt
Learning & Development Partner, General Electric Gas Power
Wir haben EmployAgility als ein Modul in den Kurs integriert und die Teilnehmerinnen gebeten, die Selbstbewertung vor dem Modul durchzuführen. Das Modul enthielt eine Mischung aus Theorie und praktischen Übungen, die alle fünf Bereiche abdeckten, die für eine agile Laufbahngestaltung wichtig sind. Das besondere war, dass Philippa als Dozentin anhand der Ergebnisse der Selbstbewertung der Teilnehmerinnen vertieft in die Bereiche eintauchen konnte, in denen die Teilnehmerinnen am meisten Verbesserungspotenzial hatten. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass das EmployAgility-Framework für agile Coaches ein hervorragendes Instrument ist, um ihre eigene Karriere agil zu managen und Menschen in den Teams, die sie unterstützen, zu helfen.
Michael Achermann
Lead IBAW - Institut für berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung
A group of us signed up for the "Networking for EmployAgility" workshop (online due to Covid) and we were not disappointed. The workshop was very interactive and let us apply some of the behavioural science behind networking to our own mindset and habits. One thing that stuck with me is how having a rich, broad network is not just valuable for me but also for our employer.
Herman Motmans
Director of Product and Asset Management, DOW Chemical
What people say Philippa ist eine wunderbar motivierende Persönlichkeit, welche die Fähigkeit hat, zu motivieren ohne zu überfordern. Sie hat feinfühlige Menschenkenntnisse, welche sie präzise für die Entwicklung von Menschen mit Potential einzusetzen weiss. Sie lebt die Befähigung von Mitarbeitenden und ist eine enthusiastische Unterstützerin.
Erwin Meier-Honegger
CEO, Ernst Meier Garten Center

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