
Meir Benezra

Play Wizard, Conscious Arsonist
coach, facilitator
Leadership, Communication, Strategy
15 Years
  • Verified
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For 15 years I've been holding the space for people to try, discover and learn to design and play together for a conscious, unified and collaborative world.

Learning from and being inspired by children I have built a new methodology called Design Playing™. Instead of trying to get away from problems and what we don't want, we need to dream of what we choose and co-make those dreams tangible. We need to be playing along the way. Play is the only genuine means we have to unite us in harmony with our dreams.

I have played together both locally and internationally with many companies including Coca Cola, BNP Paribas, ThreeFold, Turkcell, Pfizer, Legrand. Also I have been in learning programs within universities such as Medipol, Yildiz Technical University, Koc University. I have been mentoring many startups within incubation and business acceleration programs such as ITU Cekirdek, Impact Hub and Imece (a social impact incubation). I have had the chance to do keynote speeches in Turkey, Ukraine, India and Spain.

I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and get inspired; to think anew and be in a virginal state of mind.

Collaboration is now and the future.
Curiosity, wonder, peace, love & joy balanced in unity…


  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Strategy


  • 270 / hr
  • 1440 / day


  • Turkish
  • English


  • Culture
  • Future Skills
  • Leadership


  • Some Objectives I work with
  • Communication
  • Conflict Management
  • Out of Comfort Zone


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