
Martina Voegele

Healthy & happy employees ➡️ successful companies
Breath Coach; Yoga Instructor; Project Manager
6 Years
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In my work as a YogaTeacher and Breath Instructor i am helping people achieve relaxation by reestablishing a functional breathing pattern. The practice of conscious breathing can have numerous benefits for both the body and mind.

I teach them to relearn natural breathing again, which often – due to stressful and demanding lifestyles - got lost in unhealthy habits of over-breathing. Proper breathing techniques can help reduce stress, increase energy levels, improve focus and concentration, enhance sleep quality and promote relaxation. It can also have a positive impact on physical health by improving lung capacity, boosting the immune system and supporting overall cardiovascular health.

In my coaching session I take great care to tailor my instructions to cater to the specific needs and abilities of each participant. By guiding individuals through various breathing exercises, they will become more aware of their breath, release tension and cultivate a sense of calmness and presence.

I am deeply passionate about promoting holistic health for individuals, which extends beyond their personal into their professional lives.  With over 20 years of experience as a business administrator and project manager, I understand the vital role that employees play in the success of any organization. I believe that companies are only as healthy as their employees. Therefore, I am dedicated to assisting companies in nurturing the well-being and overall health of their employees by equipping them with effective tools that can be applied both personally and professionally.


  • Breath Coach; Yoga Instructor; Project Manager


  • German
  • English




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