
Lea Weyermann Lozar

Systemic Leadership and Team Coach
coach, facilitator
Leadership, Reinvention, Team
4 Years
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As an ICF-certified coach, I specialize in aiding ambitious leaders and their teams of SMEs to push forward and succeed in today’s VUCA world. In my work, I utilize many years of professional sports and leadership experience with a passion for personal and team excellence to give my clients the edge they need to succeed, surpass their goals, and surf the waves of constant change with confidence and ease.

I support my clients in:

  • Exploring and finding their purpose, values, and goals
  • Decoding every individual’s strengths, motivators, and drivers
  • Thinking beyond themselves and their own team to achieve the larger organizational objectives
  • Equipping them with tools and resources to surf the waves of constant change
  • Increasing their self-awareness and becoming a better version of themselves.

When not wearing my coaching hat, I can be often found outdoors carving down the ski slopes, jogging, improving yoga poses, or simply enjoying family time with my husband and my two young daughters.


  • Leadership
  • Reinvention
  • Team


  • 300 / hr
  • 2400 / day


  • English
  • German


  • Innovation
  • Team Assessment
  • Wellbeing
  • Organizational Development


  • Some Objectives I work with
  • Building Strategy
  • Change Management
  • Developing Resilience
  • Collaboration
  • Creating Team Culture
  • Fun
  • Get to Know Each Other
  • Relationships & Trust


Qualifications and certifications

Executive MBA Jan 2016 - Dec 2017 IEDC - Bled School of Management, Slovenia

Certified Professional Coach Jan 2018 - Feb 2019 International Coaching Academy

Associate Certified Coach Sep 2019 - Sep 2024 ICF - International Coach Federation)

Certified consultant in WorkPlace Big Five ™ Profile 4.0 May 2019 - May 2019 Paradigm Personality Labs

Certified consultant in WorkPlace Big Five ™ Profile 4.0 Personality Traits Assessment for Individuals, Teams, Leaders

ACE Certified Coach - Journey to Mastery Apr 2021 - Oct 2021 7 Paths Forward / WBECS

Team Coaching Foundation Certified Coach Oct 2021 - Jan 2022 GTCI / WBECS


Lea led the coaching process based on the WorkPlace Big Five with the entire Sensopro team in 2019. The coaching was done in various settings from individual, microteam, management team to a half-day workshop for the core team. The feedback from the team was very positive. Personally I was surprised of all the benefits gained throughout the sessions. I was able to immediately transfer a lot from the coaching process for myself and the microteam coaching had a direct impact on the efficiency within my teams. We liked the clear, structured way and how Lea organized and led the sessions. Through her calm nature, she was able to develop self-awareness and created a safe environment for intense conversations among our team members. Currently, we are planning to further expand the coaching with Lea.
Jan Urfer
CEO of Sensopro AG
I have had the pleasure of going through several sessions of leadership training with Lea and was more than happy with the results. I was particularly impressed by her ability to create a safe space that fosters meaningful discussions of sometimes sensitive topics, which was made possible through the combination of her professional approach on leadership and personal development with her compassionate and supportive presence. Having these conversations allowed her to gain an understanding of my needs and wants, which then enabled her to impart essential knowledge about how to get the most out of my talents. Though leadership training and personal development is clearly an ongoing process and requires each one of us going down this path to continuously work on ourselves, I feel that the time I spent with Lea was absolutely essential for me to get things started. I learned more of myself in a couple of hours of being coached than I have in many years of professional experience and the tips and tricks I received from her help me on a daily basis. The journey is continuing, but thanks to Lea I feel that I am on the right track."
Martin Stocker
Operations and Business Process Professional

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