
Alessandra Patti

Mental Wellbeing Strategist and Communication Trainer
coach, facilitator, trainer
Mental Wellbeing, Communication, Assertiveness Coaching
10 Years
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Passionate about prevention through the power of education, I offer mental wellbeing strategy guidance to organizations. How? With mental wellbeing workshops and communication trainings.

I’m Alessandra, the founder of FindYourWay Coaching. I was born in Italy and since 2009 I'm based in Zurich, Switzerland.

My company offers guidance to organizations in the form of mental wellbeing coaching and communication trainings with special attention to prevention of mental distress. Doing prevention is on one side to take care of our mental health, and on the other side is to learn how to communicate in a compassionate, sustainable and assertive way, so that our mental wellbeing is not negatively impacted.

How does this translate into practice? By working with teams and individuals. My offer includes upskilling trainings in assertive and sustainable communication, team coaching sessions on wellbeing topics and mental health first aid certifications and/or awareness sessions. Every month I present my work during a free virtual session called "Breakfast with Wellbeing".

My background is in adults' education, languages and marketing. I work in 4 languages and across very different industries. My content is evidence-based and I always offer the latest information of global trends on mental health.

After having worked in corporate communications for 7 years, I founded my company, and changed my career path by getting a diploma in psychology, coaching and becoming a certified mental health first aid trainer. I partner up with meaningful organizations in Switzerland that I believe in, such as Pro Mente Sana, and I am their official partner for mental health first aid courses in English and Italian.

I was featured on the "20 Minuten" magazine for having lead one of the first public mental health first aid courses in English in Zurich: Psychische Gesundheit: Lernen, über Suizid zu reden - 20 Minuten




  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Communication
  • Assertiveness Coaching


  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish


  • Exclusives
  • Wellbeing
  • Culture


  • Some Objectives I work with
  • Communication
  • Social Responsibility
  • Wellbeing
  • Developing Resilience
  • Relationships & Trust


Previous Clients

  • Novartis

    Mental Health First Aid Certification

  • BCG

  • ResponsAbility AG

  • PXL Vision

Qualifications and certifications

Mental Health First Aid Training Jan 2019 - Mar 2019 ensa Switzerland

Training on how to become instructor and learn to "train the trainer" for mental health first aid. Recognizing first signs of mental distress, act and communicate as first responder with people affected.

Continuing Education in the fundamentals and theory of analytical psychology Jan 2014 - May 2016 ISAP Zurich

Certified Practitioner Coach Sep 2016 - Oct 2018 Noble Manhattan Switzerland

Accredited Senior Practitioner coach, helping people developing their potential to the fullest and supporting them in personal growth. My specialty is confidence, assertiveness, stress prevention and communication skills for better mental wellbeing.

Swiss Federal Certificate for Trainers Jan 2019 - Jan 2020 LERNWERKSTATT

Swiss approved certificate in training adults.

Diploma in Digital Marketing and Branding Mar 2012 - Mar 2014 Oxford College of Marketing

Working in corporate marketing and communication for several years, I took further education to keep up with the marketing needs at the time.

Master of Arts in Languages and Translation Mar 2005 - Mar 2007 University of Alicante

Master Degree focused on the ability to translate texts on various themes and eventually specialize yourself in Legal texts. Conference interpreting in several languages, including English, Spanish, Italian and French.


Mental illnesses are still biased and someone having a mental crisis is often insulted instead of helped. I prepared myself to help and support by taking the ensa mental health first aid training and successfully passing the exam. Many thanks to Alessandra Patti for your excellent training work.
Stefano Volonté
Head of Supply Chain at Genentech
Despite everyone working from home, Alessandra overcame the challenge of leading remotely. She did this with great enthusiasm and preparation, delivering first class experiences. I have no hesitation in recommending her services to others and she will be a first choice for future group events. Her coaching program covered topics which made sense to people from different cultures and backgrounds; providing a universal and yet personal syllabus is no easy task. Her course allowed participants to understand, reflect and learn in a gentle manner; Alessandra encouraged people to discover for themselves rather than ‘teach’, which was a significant point of praise in feedback received.
Dominique Corbett
Head of Administration at PXL Vision
I thoroughly enjoyed the course of mental health first aid and find myself thinking a lot about the content as it’s had a great impact on me. The skills learnt are valuable for life and you were the best instructor one could have asked for. Thank you!
Sonja Svensek
Head of Nutrition at Four Paws International
Alessandra is everything that one expects and wants on a course instructor: full of energy, able to motivate the attendees on a really difficult topic as mental health, warm and knowledgeable on the topic. We have deeply enjoyed her work as a mental first aid trainer for Novartis.
Pablo Barriga
Counsellor at Novartis
Alessandra is a fantastic support for us at responsAbility AG as part of our Employees Well-Being and Assistance Plan. She has been leading us in this journey through her coaching sessions on assertive communication and healthy boundaries, self confidence and difficult conversations at work with practical case studies which would enable and facilitate bond creation among employees. In addition she gave support in creating mental heath awareness and prevention for a more sustainable workspace. Alessandra is a professional and energetic coach finding always the perfect way to engage and involve people in her interactive session for a enriching and great learning/growing experience. I would warmly recommend to any company or individual who would like to deep dive in the topic or Assertiveness, Self-Care and Mental well-being.
Isabella Martini
People First Champion at Responsability AG
The Masterclass on Difficult Conversation ran by Alessandra was one of the most empathic and easy-going masterclasses I had the change to participate in. When it comes to assertiveness, my general understanding is that, if I don't find a way to implement what I am learning, I will get the theory, but forget about it a few weeks later. Through practical exercises, I took the time to reflect on the link between communication and wellbeing and how important it is to frame a difficult conversation.
Monica Moldovan
Community Building Strategist at Fructify
The mental health first aid course is one of the most valuable courses I have ever done. As someone who knows how lonely, shameful and scary it can be to experience depression and anxiety, especially at work, is a relief to see the stigma of mental illness shifting, and that many organizations like my former employer SwissRe, are creating mental health support networks of trained first aiders. Thank you!
Kelly Campino
Former employer at SwissRe

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