30 days working from home

Working From Home – 30 Tips Teams, Wellbeing, Productivity & Meetings

Working From Home – 30 Tips Teams, Wellbeing, Productivity & Meetings

Being focused, mindful, and engaged at work has become even more challenging. The countless meetings, numerous deliverables, the distractions, like social media, notifications, and the urge to multitask.

And now, when everyone is forced to work from home as a mandatory measure, another dimension of complexity was added. Working from home every day is a new thing for most of the working population. Even if you have done it regularly, most likely it accounted for a smaller percentage of your full working time. The good news is, we can all learn it. And with practice, routine, and building new habits we can get better at it.
To accompany you on this journey and learn together: to make it easier for you and your team, Reka Deak from Wellbeing Design and our very own Ola Potrykus got together to prepare a 30-day calendar with tips and ideas when working from home.

Each day you find one tip related to one of these focus areas: team engagement, physical and mental wellbeing, productivity, meetings, family, tips, and tricks. Pick the ones that you and your team/family need the most.

Working From Home – 30 Tips Teams, Wellbeing, Productivity & Meetings


Working From Home – 30 Tips Teams, Wellbeing, Productivity & Meetings

How does it work?

You have the choice of how to make the best out of this calendar. We invite you to consider the following:

  • If you are already a WFH “practitioner” having your toolkit and best practices, let yourself be inspired to expand your horizon
  • If you are a WFH “newbie”, we advise you to pick only 1-3 ideas per week that you would like to try out. It will definitely take longer than 30 days. Allow yourself time, be consistent, and be patient. Progress step by step. To create new habits, you will create new wires in your brain. Exciting times are ahead!

Go deeper, learn and support a Covid-19 cause

You can also purchase the 34 pages calendar and guide that include our practical advice plus links to further readings with scientific insights. It’s recommended for people and teams that are looking for help and inspiration for working from home. Each day you find one tip related to one of these focus areas: team engagement, physical and mental well-being, productivity, meetings, family, tips, and tricks. You will be building habits for a healthy working-from-home setup.

1 CHF of every sale will be donated towards COVID-19 relief.

Online Workshop

Lastly, if you are looking to engage your team in practical learning, we also deliver an online workshop. In this 2-4 hours session you will learn how to:

  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively with your colleagues when working remotely
  • Manage your day and motivate yourself to achieve more
  • Choose effective daily routines when working remotely
  • Get 30 days Working from home calendar with tips and hints on productivity, meetings, well-being, and team engagement in a working-from-home setup

Get in touch to find out more about our online workshop WORKING REMOTELY




