Team Energy – Empowering from Within
The “Why” of it all

The 4 Dimensions of the Energy
Energy in Action is a holistic approach that covers 4 dimensions: physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. It allows to tailor the workshop to the needs of the team and combine different coaching styles and methods. At the end of the workshop, you will have defined clear actions as a team to focus your energy on.
- Create self-awareness and define resources to support themselves, the team and the group.
- Gain awareness on the impact on their body and learn simple tools with immediate effect.
- Learn how food influences their energy levels.
- Define clear actions as a team on what to focus their energy on.
- Have a lot of fun, exploring!
Team Energy in action, allows the team to discover their team purpose and improve collaboration. It enables the team to learn more about each other, develop collective leadership. It’s fascinating how a team’s body/mind/soul alignment can drive achievement of performance objectives. Finally, working together on understanding on how to remove energy blockades, apply simple but powerful actions to create team energy. Which consequently is very engaging and can be easily brought back to everyday ways of working of teams.

The Workshop Format
Workshops are a perfect way to do team coaching. In workshops, you can create a safe space for the participants, which allows them to share their insights, triggers, motivations, learn new things through different approaches and gain new perspectives and awareness. Energy in Action as one part of the team coaching offer is unique in a way that it allows the teams to experience the impact their energy status has as an individual, as part of the team and to the outside world. Doing this together creates a new level of trust and understanding of each other and improves the level of energy you have in a team.
“I love to work with teams and unleash the collective wisdom and hence power that lays within every team,” says Elisabeth.
Team Empowerment One Action at a Time
A holistic approach

3 Words of Uniqueness
Ready to try it out?
So if you are ready to try it out, is bookable on your experts.shakeuptheworkplace.com platform under TEAM ENERGY IN ACTION.