Why invest in experiences? A spotlight on our community event
“Do we want to eat without fear, tearing into the local stew, the humble taqueria’s mystery meat, the sincerely offered gift of a lightly grilled fish head? I know what I want. I want it all. I want to try everything once.”
– Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly
Food. What a wonderful metaphor it can be for life itself sometimes, isn’t it? Trying new foods, new places, new activities, and more importantly, doing it together! Experiencing new things!
Why should we, or perhaps better put, “Why do we invest in experiences?” This was the burning question at our event last Thursday 16th March.
We here at We Went are all about experiences. Experiences and Human Interaction. That is our motto and our very own reason for existing.Recent research from San Francisco State University found that people who spent money on experiences rather than material items were happier and felt the money was better spent. The thrill of purchasing things fades quickly but the joy and memories of experiences, from epic adventures to minute encounters, can last a lifetime.
Over 40 people came together, providers and bookers, and joined our speakers panel to discuss the topic.
The highlights of this event?
We got to connect to new and existing providers, as well as bookers and team events enthusiasts so they will know how important it is to know something and connect to it. And more important, bookers and providers got to connect to each other to get a better feeling of their needs and services.
Story Sharing and Discussion
First is Shelly Sharon, sharing her story and reminding us that ‘There’s a creator in all of us’. Another, Maria Cisneros, who guided us through her meditation exercises and experience a truly mindful moment. Then, Cameo Hicks, Global Growth Team Assistant, who shared her insight on what big companies look for in terms of experiences and team-building events. And lastly, David Court the co-owner of the Grain Draft Experience .
The common point between all these 4 speaker talks? That only through social interaction and connection can we truly experience life, and the world, enhancing both our professional effectiveness and life quality.
More than a discussion, thanks to our speakers we had the opportunity to indeed “practice what we preach”. e got together but we also shared a short meditation experience, as a group. This was indeed the best way to illustrate what WeWent stands for.
Curious about our speakers?
Shelly Sharon is a SoulPreneur working with both individuals and organisations, developing the concept of conscious business consultation, or what is referred to often as organisational health and wellness. She focuses on raising awareness to the impact the organisation has on its people and on the world. Shelly claims: “what you are hungry for is what you are capable of”. She helps people and companies achieve exactly that. You can learn more about Shelly at www.shellysharon.com
María Cisneros – ‘Experience the energy boost, get more power and reduce stress’
Maria is a founder of the brand and lifestyle Healing BEMS (body, emotions, mind and spirit) and Yogasalud . Delegate in Switzerland for the College of Naturopaths OCN. Since 1998, practicing Yoga and training different styles of Yoga and Healing. She moved from a position in banking as a “risk analyst” for thirteen years to work in the fields of Yoga and Healing which are my passion and convey her lifestyle. Check out more at http://www.healingbems.ch/
We also wanted to say thank you to Grain for hosting our event and sharing their passion and knowledge around experiences related to beer.
And big thanks to Baptiste from Foto Glattpark for capturing our event and making it one of the best!
Share with us your feedback on the event and what are your takeaway lessons. What talk touched you the most and why? What would you like to learn about or experience in our next event? Furthermore, would you be interested to be our next speaker?
In addition, subscribe to our newsletter and stay tuned for new and exciting events coming up!
Article by Gisela Andrade, WeWent PR Lead.
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