Blue Dahlia - The Key To Getting Your Team Back In The A-Game

In Teams We Trust – Learning with Sarah Eckereder

Team trust! But how? What does it take to bring your team to that optimal trust level, where they connect to each other and become more productive as a result?
Sarah Eckereder has the answer. We sat down to chat about the impact of her work and how she is changing organizational culture.

Introducing Sarah

Sarah Eckereder was born in the UK and is now a happy adoptee of Swiss life with both an active Swiss husband and a very inactive Swiss cat.  She’s the founder of Blue Dahlia consulting.
What is her “why” and what motivates her? Sarah’s response is moving and inspiring,
“(…) I´m passionate about helping people, teams and companies have happier and engaging working lives (…)”.
(…) We aim to partner with clients to maximize their potential and that of their teams and business – and brighten up the working world around them.”
Sarah is lucky to have worked in a fantastic international HR Team for 10 years. It’s where she discovered a love for talent development and engagement.  It’s where she learned that the human way of working makes working life easier. And more rewarding.

Three words that make it unique

What makes these workshops unique? Three words: Inspire, Enable, Empower!

In her workshops, Sarah creates a positive space in which people can take time to step back from the daily business. She connects people with what’s important to them and the people around them. By letting them get a different perspective in a situation and learn new tools, people can return to their workplace recharged, inspired. Also, they renew focus and ability to be successful. To gain more trust in teams and positive relationships.

The goal is to really work with you as a group – Sarah is a partner and facilitator and a win-win situation is one that works for you and the team around you. It must also work for your business. All the workshops start on that basis. It’s a combination of skill development and the development of human relationships. The sight is always on the fact that people work together for a reason. There are goals to focus on and a business you want to be successful with.

The typical and not-so-typical team challenges this technique can solve

These workshops typically solve challenges that are caused by a simple lack of understanding. Lack of understanding of the people around you or of yourself even.
They provide personal insights and increase alignment between participants. This means fresh energy and new motivation to achieve great things together at the same time building team trust. The team purpose workshops typically help people to learn more about each other while simultaneously connecting with each other to align on a common purpose to move forward more effectively. In some situations, they can also mend damaged relationships, work out frictions. They give support to teams going through difficult times together -– but Sarah has also led personal purpose workshops for teams that are going to be disbanded or people made redundant. It’s very humbling to see the strength that experiencing a workshop together provides to individuals.

Is team trust effective?

¨ I’ve never forgotten that workshop – it really made me think differently about the team and myself so I could move forward.¨
People she meets months (or even years) later have made similar comments.
Sarah also makes it a point to check in with the team leaders later, to understand the impact the workshops have on the team in everyday
life. Moreover, to know how they help people to work together to achieve their goals.
Sarah Eckereder - In Action
Sarah Eckereder – In Action

Unforgettable moments

When asked about Sarah’s unforgettable moments, these are her personal favourites!

” The first was during a workshop on “Team Purpose”personal purpose that I held with a team that was in a very stressful business situation. They had stopped communicating with each other properly and begun to think they were a bad team.
As we worked together, they began to uncover their strengths and commonalities and left the workshop with renewed energy and determination to succeed and enjoy

The second was in a “Trust” workshop, where we work in a circle and share in turn and give feedback to each other. We ended up with 2 people working together, from very different cultural backgrounds, who had been getting on quite badly with each other. As they talked, they discovered a mutual love of music and children and the empathy that suddenly arose between them was very moving. It is fascinating to watch group dynamics change and develop to benefit the participants, but then also begin to see the impact this will have on the business going forward as they start to work together more pro-actively and purposefully.”

But wait there’s more!

Sarah and her Team will be adding more workshop topics soon! Sarah is a certified MBTI and FIRO-B practitioner and a CTI coach. She also offers workshops on the kind of skills that you really need for today’s complexity. These skills are largely on influencing, interpersonal awareness, leveraging conflict, communication and more!

First step? Book Sarah’s Build, Trust and Connection Workshop right here at 
